Wednesday, October 23, 2013

History of Church Pews

The church has a long history, and is witness to upheavals both outside and within its institution. Along with its faith, iconic ornaments, and church attire, the changes inside the Church through time have also touched the humble pews, as well. For over 1,000 years of church history, early churches didn't have pews since most congregants were expected to remain standing throughout.

Church pews were already in existence in the 13th century when stone benches were placed against the walls. However, it was not until 1517, the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, that pews were fixed to the floor. After the Protestant Reformation, church services focused more on the sermon, instead of interaction between it's members. Because of this, pews—how they were made and designed—became almost as well regarded as the church architecture.

Since then, stone church pews were replaced by wooden benches. However, in some churches, pews were used to show the classes of the people. Those in the higher class were seated on the pews closest to the pulpit, while a different type of seating were given to the poor, handicapped, widows. Another set of pews were allotted to blacks.

Church pews have gone through many changes over time; once even used to discriminate between the whites and the blacks, the men and the women, and the rich and the poor. Today, church seating reflects how we have dismantled much of our old notions of race and class distinctions. Like any furniture in today's homes, church pews have become ornamental, as they are importantly functional, fixtures.


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